Latihan Pangalusna Kabugaran Tilu Jalan Pangpayunna

Kapangaruhan ku wabah covid-19, seueur nagara di sakumna dunya parantos ngawaler sauran di imahna. Seueur rerencangan parantos tinggal sabulan. Kami biasa nganggo pajama di bumi. Upami urang nyobian calana panjang dina hiji dinten, panginten sapertos gambar di handap ieu.

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Kusabab urang masih kedah di bumi salami waktos ieu, perlu janten latihan. Tulisan ieu nyangking séri latihan olahraga home kanggo dibagikeun, hayu urang diajar langkung lengkep.

1. Latihan Ténis Net 518

For beginners, more convenient and practical; whether you come into contact with tennis or not even see someone play tennis, as long as you pick up a tennis racket can play with sticks as easy as learning to play tennis. It is not only suitable for beginners (men and women) starting exercise, it is a high-level tennis player back quickly after practice tee and tee ball attacking professional training equipment. The use of the site is not limited, as long as a few square meters of space that can be used. Suitable for indoor, outdoor, patio, roof, platform, parks, squares and so on. The design aesthetic appearance, light weight, small footprint, easy to carry, easy to install. Humanized and scalable design, to break the shackles of non-scalable before, can adjust the different height and falling ball speed according player's different requirement. Upgraded flat tube design,more steady and can accept powerful hitting balls.  New elliptical hole adjustment knob design,can adjust the net surface degree. Upgraded hook design,more steady,never loose,easy to install and carry.


2. Pelatihan Ténis Ténis 415

Should you're looking for the indoor tennis training equipment for child to improve fitness fighting coronavirus. SS-415 is a base have fashion shape like UFO is single practicing. The model is small and special for hand portable designed.It convenient to carry,you can have tennis practice in any open hard court.whatever the weather like,you may practice your tennis skills at all times and places.It is suitable for every tennis players which can both have entertainment fitness and tennis learning.This is a very helpful partner to the tennis junior players and amateur for training.

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3. Alat Prakték Ténis 403

The unique design with three level buffer, reset rapidly and improve stability. The first big buffer,  which exists between the little yellow plastic ball and the strut to enforce cushioning effect ensuring the speed of reboud and its stability. The second big buffer, which combined with the main part and strut enforcing the machine's stabilization and reducing the rebounds inertial. The third big buffer on the bottom of the strut, using the soft plastic water bag fix the main part. And increase of the gravity protecting the steady state of training device. PVC durable ball is ageing resistance and good toughness, can be used in any time.


Epidemi utama sapertos kitu anu teu umum kantos langkung ti dasawarsa, tiasa dibayangkeun yén seueur rerencangan henteu senang pisan di bumi. Tapi teu aya deui jalan. Dina waktos ayeuna, dukungan pangsaéna pikeun prajurit urang baris kaluar nyaéta henteu kaluar. Teu aya kasempetan anu disayogikeun pikeun virus COVID-19. Dina waktos anu sami, tinggal di bumi dipikabutuh pikeun manajemén fisik anu ditangtoskeun. Jaga pelatihan, jaga kabugaran!

Waktu pos: Mar-28-2020